Laini chose to embark on the Content Creator apprenticeship after a job opportunity arose in her family:
“My uncle had offered me a job in social media at his business after leaving sixth form,” she says, “so this course was ideal for me to do whilst working.
“Oldham College is close to home and work, and I knew people who were at or had previously studied at Oldham College and recommended it.”
Laini completed her apprenticeship with Oldham College and Chadderton Motor Company Ltd – CMC-MAXUS.
“Day to day I worked on Marketing campaigns on social media and email marketing,” Laini says. “I also captured and edited content, organised marketing materials such as flyers, and attended events and meetings.”
Having not worked in the industry previously, Laini developed a range of knowledge, skills and behaviours:
“These included how to correctly apply marketing structures and methods, how to professionally communicate with colleagues and customers, and most importantly how to be confident in my work.”
Laini feels ‘extremely proud’ to have completed the apprenticeship early and achieved a Distinction. She describes her tutor, Lisa, as an ‘amazing’ teacher: “Lisa has taught me everything I know. I am so grateful for her support.”
Laini has now moved onto a degree apprenticeship with Chadderton Motor Company, starting September 2024.
“The apprenticeship has been challenging so far, as it’s a jump from Level 3 – but I’m really enjoying it.
“I already have the knowledge, skills and behaviours I learned previously, and know the apprenticeship process.”
Laini’s career ambitions are to progress into a marketing career, “either working for myself or for a company within the beauty, fashion or luxury vehicle industry.”
“The highlight of the apprenticeship was getting my results, realising I had done well and securing my university place,” Laini says, “as the previous year I had left sixth form not knowing what I wanted to do.
“I think the Content Creator apprenticeship is an amazing opportunity. It has helped me learn and gain the experience needed to go onto much more – the course gives you so many options.”
This apprenticeship is an amazing opportunity. It has helped me learn and gain the experience needed to go on to much more.