Have you got a future job in mind but not sure which course to choose, or are you completely undecided about which career path to take?
Explore our personality quiz or course finder >If you need new skills, or to upskill and improve your prospects, then we will help you find the right path and take control of your future. It doesn’t matter if you are a beginner, an intermediate, advanced or higher student – we give learners of all abilities and ages the ‘rocket fuel’ to help you succeed in the new economy.
Our courses cover almost every industry sector with supreme links with employers and experienced tutors, so we will have the right course or apprenticeship to fulfil. your ambitions on our exciting new campus.
Nobody can leave full-time education and never need to retrain, reskill or reinvent themselves. That’s why we see learning as an escalator that you travel on throughout your working life, no matter what your age or ability level.
Each step sees you making gradual progress from learning vital basics through to technical and specialist skills, up to degree level and beyond.
Each step also offers new opportunities to renew or extend your skills and knowledge – and to move up the escalator while improving your career and salary prospects.
We have a very clear mission at Oldham College, which is to unlock your amazing potential and get you ready for the world of work. Our courses cover a huge number of industry sectors and through excellent links with hundreds of employers, state-of-the-art facilities and experienced tutors, we will find the pathway that’s right for you.