Accountability Statement

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Admissions Process

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Complaints Handling Procedure

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Equality and Diversity Plan

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Equality and Diversity Policy

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Equality and Diversity Report

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Fees 2022-23

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Fees 2023-24

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FE Student Behaviour

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Freedom of Information

The new Model Publication Scheme and definition document provided by the ICO for colleges of further education has been adopted by The Oldham College and the Corporation formally approved the detail and content of the Scheme at its meeting on

The Model Publication Scheme provides a list of the information routinely published by colleges which the ICO expects them to make available unless:

  • they do not hold the information
  • the information is exempt under one of the FOI exemptions or Environmental
  • Information Regulations (EIRs) exceptions, or its release is prohibited under another statute
  • the information is archived, out of date or otherwise inaccessible; or, it would be impractical or resource-intensive to prepare the material for routine release
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Gender Pay Gap

Last year, the Government widened the requirements for Gender Pay Gap Reporting to include all organisations of 250 employees or more. This data is published below and also on the central Government Portal where it is stored and comparisons can be made with all other organisations across the country. Gender Pay Gap Data

In addition to complying fully with our legal responsibilities for reporting, this data will also form part of our ongoing commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion as demonstrated through our organisational values which are Ambition, Integrity, Inclusion, Responsiveness and Courage.

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Health & Safety

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IAG and Admissions

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Provision for Students with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

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Refund and Compensation

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Report and Financial Statements 2019

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Report and Financial Statements 2020

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Report and Financial Statements 2021

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Report and Financial Statements 2022

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Report and Financial Statements 2023

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Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy

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Strategic Plan 2024 - 2027

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Third Party Delivery Supplier Fees Policy

Oldham College has been providing outstanding vocational training for learners and businesses for over 50 years. We deliver training to around 8,000 students every year in key subject areas which include construction & engineering, creative arts, hair & beauty, business services and environmental technologies. The main campus is on Rochdale Road with facilities located elsewhere within the Oldham town centre.

In order for the college to remain competitive and truly responsive to the needs of its stakeholders it must be able to offer a quality service without the usual constraints of staff recruitment and development whilst still engaging with the highest quality delivery agents in programme areas it may not be possible to increase its current capacity within a given curriculum area. There may be occasions where the college would seek to invoke this policy in order to develop new curriculum areas that may be required in order to meet demand identified through local / national strategic or economic development.

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Whistleblowing Procedure

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