Business & Administration

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Title: Business Support T Level

Pathway: Business & Administration

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What will I study?

If you want to develop a career in Management and Administration then why not focus on the role of a Business Support. Business support managers are responsible for day-to-day oversight of business operations. They must have in-depth knowledge of the entire business and the duties of all employees. In addition, the business support manager must oversee employee performance and take corrective measures as necessary. Alternatively, as the Business Support Administrator you will provide administration support to the management team, this can include arranging meetings, supporting colleagues with business process queries including onboarding and finance, supporting with the administration of purchase orders and assisting with presentations and reporting. If this is of interest to you then enrol on this new generation of Gold Standard qualifications as a technical alternative to A Levels.

T Levels are new courses which will follow GCSEs and will be equivalent to three A Levels. These two-year courses have been developed in collaboration with employers and businesses so that the content meets the needs of industry and prepares learners for work. This qualification will help you gain an understanding of the Management and Administration sector and you will cover topics such as: Business Context, People, Quality Compliance, Project, and Change Management along with a student’s chosen specialism.

The qualification will be delivered in partnership with local employers who will contribute to the knowledge and delivery of training. Employers will provide demonstrations and talks on the industry and where possible work placements will also be provided.

This technical qualification is made up of two components, both of which need to be successfully achieved to attain the technical qualification as well as the full T Level in Management and Administration:

  • The Core Component: The core content is designed to offer sufficient breadth of knowledge and skills for the learner to apply in a variety of contexts related to the industry and those occupational specialisms linked to this T Level. The core content is the building blocks of knowledge and skills that will give a learner a broad understanding of the industry and job roles. At the same time, it will develop the core skills you will need to apply when working within the industry.


  • Occupational Specialisms: Occupational specialisms develop the knowledge, skills, and behaviours necessary to achieve threshold competence in an occupation. Threshold competence is defined as when a learner’s attainment against the knowledge, skills and behaviours is of a standard for them to enter the occupation and industry. They must also demonstrate the ability to achieve occupational competence over time with the correct support and training. The occupational specialisms are Business Improvement, Team Leadership/Management and Business Support
  • Within the T-Level you will complete:

  • Technical qualification (TQ): This is the main, classroom-based element. Students will learn about their chosen sectors through a curriculum designed by employers and developed by the awarding organisation (AO) City and Guilds.
  • Industry placement: This runs for a minimum of 315 hours (45 days) overall and will give students practical insights into their sector and an opportunity to embed the knowledge and skills learned in the classroom.
  • English, maths and digital provision: These are also built into the classroom-based element of the T Level, meaning students will be given a solid foundation of transferable skills.
  • For those students who may need a further year of study to reach the grade requirements we also offer two progression to T Level courses:

    Level 2 T Level Foundation Certificate in Management and Administration

    Our T Level Foundation course is designed to prepare you to progress to either our T Level in Management and Administration; T Level in Finance or T Level in Sales, Procurement and Marketing.

    You will undertake two exams, one in General Business and the other in Business Administration and a Research project where you will present your findings. In addition you will be given additional hours to improve your GCSE grades in English and Maths where needed.

    Level 2 T Level Foundation Certificate in Sales, Marketing and Procurement

    Our T Level Foundation course is designed to prepare you to progress to either our T Level in Management and Administration; T Level in Finance or T Level in Sales, Procurement and Marketing.

    You will undertake two exams, one in General Business and the other in Business Marketing and a Research project where you will present your findings. In addition you will be given additional hours to improve your GCSE grades in English and Maths where needed.

    How will I be assessed?

    Learners must complete:

    Two externally set exams covering knowledge from the Management and Administration core

    The exams provide sufficient sampling of the content and consist of a mixture of short answer questions (SAQs), some of which will be structured, and extended response.  

    One employer-set project covering knowledge and skills from the Management and Administration core.

    The employer-set project will consist of a well-defined, real industry-style brief. The brief will be complex and non-routine, and will require the use of relevant maths, English and digital skills. The brief will provide a valid context for the Level 3 learner to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of the core content and their core skills to solve occupationally relevant situations and/or problems. 


    One occupational specialism

    These assessments will feature a considerable practical element and are composed of a series of holistic practical tasks relating to the specialism at hand. They will take place over a period of time, scheduled at the provider’s preference within an approximate three-month assessment window. By nature of the considerable practical elements, the tasks will generate significant ephemeral evidence and be heavily reliant on Internal Assessor observation notes and records for validation. 


    What will this lead to?

    The T Level in Management and Administration aims to progress students into one of 3 occupational specialisms through employment or as an Apprentice. These specialisms are Business Improvement, Business Support and Team Leadership/Management. Furthermore, the completion of this qualifications gives students the opportunity to progress onto higher education courses and training.

    Entry requirements

    Entry Level Courses:

    Skills for Life & Work/Preparing for Adulthood

    No formal qualifications are required for this course.
    These courses are specifically designed for learners with a Special Educational Need (SEND).


    Entry Level: Skills & Employability

    No formal qualifications are required for this course.

    Full Time ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages)

    No formal qualifications are required for this course.

    Full Time GCSE Re-sit Study Course

     GCSE Grade 2 or 3 in Maths and English and / or Sciences.

    Full Time Level 1 Course

    Entry Level qualification or 2 GCSE's at grades 2 or below (E or below)

    Full Time Level 2 Course

    4 GCSEs at grade 3 or Vocational Level 1 in relevant subject area.

    *GCSE Grade 4 or above in Maths is required for the courses below:




    Full time Level 3 Course

    5 GCSEs at Grade 4-9 including English or Maths (Functional Skills Level 2 English or Maths will be accepted).


    Vocational Level 2 plus Grade 4-9 GCSE English or Maths (Functional Skills Level 2 English or Maths will be accepted).

    *A Vocational Level 2 is required for the following courses:


    All Construction Subjects

    Hair & Beauty Subjects

    Applied Science

    T Level Foundation (Level 2)

    4 GCSE Grade 3 including English and Math's (or Functional Skills Level 1 in English and Math's)

    T Levels

    5 GCSEs at Grade 4-9 including English and Maths (Functional Skills Level 2 in English and Maths will be accepted).

    * Health T Levels require GCSE Grade 4 in Science.


    How to apply

    You can apply for this programme via the Apply Now button, at the top.

    If this course area is available as an apprenticeship, this will show under 'Study Option' on the right-hand side, just below the Apply Now button. You can view all of our apprenticeship vacanices and subjects by clicking the 'Apprenticeships' in the top menu.


    If you are aged between 16 and 18 when you start your course and are taking a course leading to a qualification, the tuition and exam fees are free. However, there may be some additional costs for optional trips, recommended text books and professional start up kits. We have a bursary scheme to assist with these costs.

    • If you're aged 19 or over, you may be eligible for funding towards your course fees. It will depend on your personal circumstances and will be discussed at enrolment. You will be asked to bring documentation with you when you are invited to enrol.
    • If you are aged 19 and over and study Maths or English and do not already hold a C grade/4 or higher in the subject that you are studying, you will get the course for free.
    • If you have any queries please contact us on 0161 785 4039 or email

    What happens next?

    It is important that you come along and speak to one of our staff about your choice/s.

    Once we receive your application, you will be invited in to speak to a tutor or a member of the Apprenticeship team to discuss your application.

    This will provide you with the opportunity to ask any questions you may have about the course/Apprenticeship and to see our facilities.

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