Creative & Design

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Title: Media

Pathway: Creative & Design

Available Study Options:
Apprenticeship, Full Time Print

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What will I study?

MEDIA (Film, TV & Radio)

Are you ready to take your first steps towards an exciting career in the media industry?  Do you have a keen interest in film, TV and radio, and an excitement and passion for learning how to create content for audiences?  If so, this is the right course for you. During your course, you will learn a variety of skills to help you on your journey towards becoming a media industry professional.  

Presenting TV and radio programmes, writing and directing short films, creating documentaries, producing music videos, working as a camera operator, and video editing are amongst the many useful skills you will acquire and develop on our media course. 

During your studies, you will carry out your work in our specialist TV and radio studios, editing suites, and animation suite, learning a range of production and broadcasting techniques, and developing a range of skills in creative media that will provide you with an excellent foundation in the media industry, using industry standard software such as Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe Audition, and Adobe Photoshop.

You will also learn how to present your completed course work in appropriate formats and develop a digital creative portfolio and be supported for future progression to university, employment or an apprenticeship after your course ends.

We offer the following qualifications in this subject:

UAL Level 1 (Full Time) - Digital Design and Media (1 Year)

UAL Level 2 (Full Time) - Diploma in Creative Media Production & Technology (1 Year)

UAL Level 3 (Full Time) - Extended Diploma Creative Media Production & Technology (2 Years)



All assessments are coursework based, and an example of modules include:

  • Introduction to Media Processes and Technical Skills

  • Understanding and Engaging with Audiences in Creative Media Production

  • Audio, Video, and Interactive Media Production and Technology

  • Professional Practice in Creative Media Production

  • Critical and Contextual Awareness   

The type of projects you may undertake on the course include:

  • Short Film Production

  • Multi-Platform Broadcast Journalism

  • Documentary Filmmaking

  • Radio Broadcasting and Production

  • Music Video Production

Assignments vary from creating news reports, short films, music videos, radio shows, podcasts, and live TV studio based programmes, with each project designed to give you a taste of the real working world of media production and broadcasting.


It is very important that you develop your experience within your industry and that you complete work placement opportunities. We can support you with this and our media tutors have excellent industry links with relevant employers. We also invite employers and organisations to come in to offer you opportunities to complete projects and tasks, and have industry master classes and guest speakers from your industry specialism who will broaden your understanding of the career routes that you may choose to follow.  

So far, our media students have completed work experience at media organisations and local radio stations scheduling music and content, creating adverts, music videos, live web streams, promotional videos, and content for live shows.

How will I be assessed?

You will be continuously assessed to establish what you have learnt from each module and assignment.

To ensure you are ready for a demanding and successful career in the media, many of your assessments are in line with the industry standards and protocols. This means you may be asked to pitch your ideas, present planning documents that meet professional standards for your intended productions, create productions for specific target audiences, or work with an employer to create a solution and outcome for a project.

With each project, you will be asked to produce a portfolio of evidence, which is also formally assessed by your tutors at various points throughout the year. Your feedback will be kept on our digital assessment platform at final assessment points. While one to one tutorials will discuss your progress and set you new and stretching targets to ensure you are always aiming high and making good progress.

Your final grade is established through your final major project, where you will use a selection of the skills and techniques that you have learnt, practised and developed on the course, and design & create a media product of your own choosing. This project is examined by external moderators and is exhibited for your peers and tutors to assess.

What will this lead to?


The Level 2 Media course is designed as a direct pathway onto our Level 3 Media course.

The Level 3 Media course is designed to prepare you for either university, apprenticeship, or full time employment.

You will be supported with your progression options as part of your course through a series of workshops and tutorials, including support with writing university applications, personal statements, and CVs.

Possible employment routes include camera operating, TV studio runners, radio producers, leading to future progression to higher profile roles such as scriptwriting, executive producing, and presenting.

Our students who choose to continue their studies at university generally choose higher education courses such as broadcast journalism, film production, TV and radio production, screenwriting, digital media, and creative media production.

Entry requirements

Entry Level Courses:

Skills for Life & Work/Preparing for Adulthood

No formal qualifications are required for this course.
These courses are specifically designed for learners with a Special Educational Need (SEND).


Entry Level: Skills & Employability

No formal qualifications are required for this course.

Full Time ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages)

No formal qualifications are required for this course.

Full Time GCSE Re-sit Study Course

 GCSE Grade 2 or 3 in Maths and English and / or Sciences.

Full Time Level 1 Course

 No formal qualifications are required for this course.

Full Time Level 2 Course

4 GCSEs at grade 3 or Vocational Level 1 in relevant subject area.

*GCSE Grade 4 or above in Maths is required for the courses below:




Full time Level 3 Course

5 GCSEs at Grade 4-9 including English or Maths (Functional Skills Level 2 English or Maths will be accepted).


Vocational Level 2 plus Grade 4-9 GCSE English or Maths (Functional Skills Level 2 English or Maths will be accepted).

*A Vocational Level 2 is required for the following courses:


All Construction Subjects

Hair & Beauty Subjects

Applied Science

T Levels


5 GCSEs at Grade 4-9 including English and Maths (Functional Skills Level 2 in English and Maths will be accepted).

* Health T Levels require GCSE Grade 4 in Science.


How to apply

You can apply for this programme via the Apply Now button, at the top.

If this course area is available as an apprenticeship, this will show under 'Study Option' on the right-hand side, just below the Apply Now button. You can view all of our apprenticeship vacanices and subjects by clicking the 'Apprenticeships' in the top menu.


If you are aged between 16 and 18 when you start your course and are taking a course leading to a qualification, the tuition and exam fees are free. However, there may be some additional costs for optional trips, recommended text books and professional start up kits. We have a bursary scheme to assist with these costs.

  • If you're aged 19 or over, you may be eligible for funding towards your course fees. It will depend on your personal circumstances and will be discussed at enrolment. You will be asked to bring documentation with you when you are invited to enrol.
  • If you are aged 19 and over and study Maths or English and do not already hold a C grade/4 or higher in the subject that you are studying, you will get the course for free.
  • If you have any queries please contact us on 0161 785 4039 or email

What happens next?

It is important that you come along and speak to one of our staff about your choice/s.

Once we receive your application, you will be invited in to speak to a tutor or a member of the Apprenticeship team to discuss your application.

This will provide you with the opportunity to ask any questions you may have about the course/Apprenticeship and to see our facilities.

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