Please select how you would like to attend your Surveying & Design Construction T Level course:
Title: Surveying & Design Construction T Level
Pathway: Construction
Available Study Options:
Full Time
We offer the T Level in Professional Construction at Level 3. Do you want a career in Construction that gives you great progression and career opportunities on this new generation of qualifications that offer an attractive technical alternative to studying three different A levels.
This exciting two year course which has been designed with Construction Employers to provide you with the knowledge and skills needed to work within the construction sector. The core content is the building blocks of knowledge and skills that gives a learner a broad understanding of the industry and job roles. While at the same time developing the core skills they will need to apply when working within the industry.
You will study in the new state of the art facility in quality workshops and classrooms with support from expert tutors and great online learning platforms.
You choice of occupational specialisms will allow you to develop the relevant skills in preparation for your career in Construction.
The topics are as follows:
Surveying and Design for Construction and the Built Environment
Civil Engineering
Building Services Design
Hazardous Materials Analysis and Surveying
This is a great opportunity as part of your industry placement for you to work alongside professionals, become part of the team and develops your skills in how to put theory into practice.
Year 1 Core Assessments
Core Exam: These exams will be made up of different question types covering the core topics that include short answer questions, structured questions, and extended response questions. The exam paper will consist of part A and part B. The level of difficulty will increase through the paper with lower demand questions at the beginning of the question paper to higher demand questions at the end of the question paper.
Employer set project: Each project will be developed together with employers in the industry to reflect realistic types of developments, activities and challenges. The project is made up of a number of tasks which all relate to the same employer-set project brief and tender specification.
Year 2 Occupational Specialism Assessments
Occupational specialisms develop the knowledge, skills and behaviors necessary to achieve threshold competence in an occupation. Threshold competence means as near to competent as can be achieved on a college course. You will focus on Surveying and Design for Construction and the Built Environment as your occupational specialism.
There are four main areas of skill development and application within the specialism:
1 Measure the Built Environment 2 Analyse the Built Environment
3 Design the Built Environment 4 Verify the delivery of the Built Environment
Successful completion of this qualification will enable you to progress onto University to continue your studies in a number of disciplines:
HNC in Construction
Building Services Engineering BTEC HND
Higher apprenticeship
Employment in the construction sector carrying out roles that include:
Construction Design and Build Technician
Site Engineer
Quality Surveyor
Entry Level Courses:
Skills for Life & Work/Preparing for Adulthood
No formal qualifications are required
for this course.
These courses are specifically designed for learners with a Special Educational
Need (SEND).
Entry Level: Skills & Employability
No formal qualifications are required
for this course.
Full Time ESOL (English
for Speakers of Other Languages)
No formal qualifications are required for this course.
Full Time GCSE Re-sit Study
GCSE Grade 2 or 3 in Maths and
English and / or Sciences.
Full Time Level 1 Course
Entry Level qualification or 2 GCSE's at grades 2 or below (E or below)
Full Time Level 2 Course
4 GCSEs at grade 3 or Vocational Level 1 in relevant subject area.
*GCSE Grade 4 or above in Maths is required for the courses below:
Full time Level 3 Course
5 GCSEs at Grade 4-9 including English or Maths (Functional Skills Level 2 English or Maths will be accepted).
Vocational Level 2 plus Grade 4-9 GCSE English or Maths (Functional Skills Level 2 English or Maths will be accepted).
*A Vocational Level 2 is required for the following courses:
All Construction Subjects
Hair & Beauty Subjects
Applied Science
T Level Foundation (Level 2)
4 GCSE Grade 3 including English and Math's (or Functional Skills Level 1 in English and Math's)
T Levels
5 GCSEs at Grade 4-9 including English and Maths (Functional Skills Level 2 in English and Maths will be accepted).
* Health T Levels require GCSE Grade 4 in Science.
You can apply for this programme via the Apply Now button, at the top.
If this course area is available as an apprenticeship, this will show under 'Study Option' on the right-hand side, just below the Apply Now button. You can view all of our apprenticeship vacanices and subjects by clicking the 'Apprenticeships' in the top menu.
If you are aged between 16 and 18 when you start your course and are taking a course leading to a qualification, the tuition and exam fees are free. However, there may be some additional costs for optional trips, recommended text books and professional start up kits. We have a bursary scheme to assist with these costs.
It is important that you come along and speak to one of our staff about your choice/s.
Once we receive your application, you will be invited in to speak to a tutor or a member of the Apprenticeship team to discuss your application.
This will provide you with the opportunity to ask any questions you may have about the course/Apprenticeship and to see our facilities.