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Employers: Get involved with Oldham College

Employers are vitally important to everything we do: your input is crucial for shaping our curriculum to produce the best outcomes for students.

As the borough’s specialist provider of work-related education and training, we work with hundreds of local employers to ensure we are equipping students with the knowledge and skills to succeed.

Engaging with us in the following ways will help you to identify talent in the future workforce, upskill your existing staff, and access opportunities to boost your business.

Employer Advisory Boards

Employer Advisory Boards (EABs) are held between Oldham College staff and local employers to inform and advise on curriculum content.

EABs ensure that we are responsive to sector needs, and that employer voices are represented in our decision-making.

EABs also provide the opportunity for you to:

  • Address your recruitment needs as a priority employer
  • Network with other local employers
  • Receive updates about the college training offer for employees
  • Share and discuss skills and recruitment trends in the sector.

We currently hold EABs in Business, Construction, Digital, Early Years & Education and Health & Social Care.

Industry Placements

Gaining real-world work experience is an essential element of the learning journey, and can help you to identify and develop future talent for your workforce.

T Level Industry Placements are the ‘on the job’ element of the course; T Levels provide practical experience with an employer as 20% of the total qualification.

Work experience placements are between 15-35 hours in duration. These placements prepare all students for the world of work in a professional environment.

Benefits to your business

By offering an industry placement, your business:

  • benefits from a fresh perspective
  • boosts its corporate reputation
  • demonstrates a social conscience by supporting the future local workforce
  • helps students to understand the industry, ensuring that individuals are suitably trained to meet your needs as an employer from day one
  • supports existing staff to develop management and mentorship skills.

Learn more about Offering Industry Placements.

Engaging directly in the curriculum

Other ways to engage with Oldham College include:

  • delivering a guest talk
  • engaging students in employer-set live projects
  • inviting teachers and students into your business to observe industry practice 
  • offering your staff the opportunity to spend time in College, passing experience & knowledge onto young people.

Get in touch

If you are interested in supporting Oldham College in any of these ways, please get in touch.

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