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Government Announces New T Level Employer Fund

Government Announces New T Level Employer Fund

The Department for Education (DfE) has today announced a funding boost for both employers and T Level providers. The news coincided with ‘T Level Thursday’, a celebration of T Levels being held during National Apprenticeship Week 2023.

The new Employer Support Fund will be worth up to £12m over the next two years –providing support for industry placements, an important core component of the T Level qualification.

Whilst providers are awaiting further information due to be released in March, the DfE has stated that ‘any employer who offers a suitable placement opportunity for a T Level student is eligible to claim’ for costs they may incur when providing T Level placements, such as set up costs, equipment and staff training.

As a T Level provider, Oldham College will be responsible for assisting their employers who wish to utilise the fund by validating any claims and making payment to the employer once a start date has been agreed or a placement has commenced. Claims can be made for placements that start after the 1st of April 2023.

Both students and employers benefit from T Level industry placements; young people gain the industry-specific skills they need to succeed and employers shape their future workforce to meet the needs of their business. The fund will help colleges and businesses to build strong relationships for the future.

Employers can read more about partnering with Oldham College in our Employer Guide.

These funding initiatives form part of a 10% funding boost worth around £30 million in the 2023-24 academic year to support the scaling up of T Levels.

“T Levels are a key rung on the ladder of opportunity, giving students the opportunity to combine classroom-based learning with valuable hands-on industry placements.

“As the cohort continues to grow year on year, it is great news that extra support is being delivered to schools, colleges and employers to enable them to meet this increasing demand and provide the highest-quality training to their students. “Whether students choose to go onto an apprenticeship, higher education, or skilled employment, they can be rest assured that a T Level will set them on the path to success.”

Minister for Skills, Apprenticeships and Higher Education Robert Halfon

Oldham College is uniquely well-placed to deliver T Levels due to strong links with hundreds of local, regional and national employers, teaching staff with extensive technical expertise and state-of-the-art specialist facilities such as our simulated nursery, hospital and courtroom environments and £9m construction centre.

View our Employer Guide.

If you are a learner interested in a T Level, please visit our T Level page.

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