Safeguarding is the protection and preventative approaches applied to keep our students, staff and visitors safe. Our safeguarding approach includes children, young people and adults that may be at risk of harm.
Oldham College is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all those who attend Oldham College, including those from LGBT+, BME and other marginalised groups. Our main focus is to ensure our students and staff are able to work and learn in a safe and supported environment, where their safety and welfare is at the core of all of our working practices, policies and procedures.
If anyone at Oldham College has concerns for the wellbeing, safety or rights of themselves or someone else, they should talk to one of our Safeguarding and Welfare Officers via the form.
For anyone with an immediate concern or who is struggling outside of college opening hours, please see a list of resources here. If there is a risk of immediate harm or danger, please ring 999.
Another aspect of safeguarding is the PREVENT duty, which requires the Further Education sector to have “due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism”, supporting terrorism or being drawn into non-violent extremism. The overall duty for England and Wales can be found here.
There is a duty is to ensure that those identified with vulnerabilities are given appropriate advice and support.
The Government has defined extremism as “vocal or active opposition to fundamental British Values”, which include:
- Individual liberty
- Rule of law
- Democracy
- Mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs.
This includes not discriminating against those with protected characteristics (Equality Act 2010), namely:
- Age
- Disability
- Gender reassignment
- Marriage and civil partnership
- Pregnancy and maternity
- Race
- Religion and belief
- Sex
- Sexual orientation
Submit a Safeguarding Issue:

Meet the Team

Chloe Tracey
Designated Safeguarding Lead

Chloe Morris
Safeguarding & Welfare Officer

David Littlewood
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Amber Powell
Safeguarding & Welfare Officer

Reuben Campbell
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Leanne Backer
Safeguarding & Welfare Officer

Kayleigh Moss
Safeguarding & Welfare Officer

Rebecca Hilton
Safeguarding & Welfare Officer
- Oldham Council – Homelessness | Oldham Council
- Rochdale Council – Homelessness and prevention | Rochdale Borough Council
- Tameside Council – Tameside Homeless Service
- Manchester City Council – Homeless people | Manchester City Council
- Depaul – Depaul UK – Nightstop Greater Manchester – Homeless England | Homeless Link
- Bridge-IT Housing – Housing and support to families, single males and females – Bridge-it Housing
Sexual Harassment Support
- Victim Support – Sexual harassment – Victim Support
- Rape Crisis – Get help | Rape Crisis England & Wales
- Safeline – Home – Safeline – Believe in you – Surviving sexual abuse & rape
- SurvivorsUK – SurvivorsUK | We challenge the silence to support sexually abused men
- Breaking the Silence – Breaking the Silence (
Mental Health Support
- Kooth – Digital Mental Health Care – Kooth plc
- NHS – Mental health – NHS (
- MIND – Support services for mental health – Mind
- Oldham CAMHS – Oldham CAMHS :: Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust
- Oldham Healthy Minds – Oldham Healthy Minds :: Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust (search by relevant area e.g. Rochdale / Bury / Oldham / Manchester)
- SilverCloud – Digital Mental Health Solutions in the UK | SilverCloud Health